Edgar, Bill books & textbook
SATAN: The Adversary (The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers Saga)
Koetting, E.A. Kerval, Edgar Duvendack, Bill Stewart, Orlee Garrett, J.S. Kendall, Conner Angelus, Zeraphina Crowley, Rose Garrett, Barbie Donaghue, Timothy
Independently published /2021-01-02 Paperback / 403 Pages
Forty Six: The Birth of Porsche Motorsport
Wagenblatt, Bill Nye, Doug Cridland, Sean Edgar, William Horstkorta, Gary Emory, Rod Greenwood, Chris Leffingwell, Randy
Dalton Watson Fine Books /2023-05-04 Hardcover / 352 Pages
isbn-10: 1956309012 / isbn-13: 9781956309010
LUCIFUGE: The Lord of Pacts (The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers Saga)
Koetting, E.A. Ford, Michael Kerval, Edgar Duvendack, Bill Stewart, Orlee Petrucelly, Enoch Jehannum, V.K. White, Frank Kendall, Conner Donaghue, Timothy
Independently published /2019-12-01 Paperback / 435 Pages
isbn-10: 1691273171 / isbn-13: 9781691273171
NOXAZ: Primal Current (The Black Serpent Series)
Kerval, Edgar Mason, Asenath Duvendack, Bill Falorio, Linda Maggi, Humberto Helasdottir, Abby Kelly, Michael Woodward, Sean Donaghue, Timothy
Independently published /2018-11-22 Paperback / 113 Pages
isbn-10: 1790165814 / isbn-13: 9781790165810
The Coffin Confessor
Penguin Random House Australia / Paperback
isbn-10: 1761048678 / isbn-13: 9781761048678
LUCIFER: The Enlightener (The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers Saga)
Koetting, E.A. Joseph, Kurtis Kerval, Edgar Duvendack, Bill Torvol, Asbjorn White, Frank Donaghue, Timothy
Independently published /2018-08-28 Paperback / 281 Pages
isbn-10: 1090455666 / isbn-13: 9781090455666
Woodward, Sean Fite, Kyle Kerval, Edgar Sinclair, Vanessa Duvendack, Bill von Tulien, Hagen Plimer, Robert Anderson Consciência, André Griffith, Daniel Bran Sargent, Denny
Independently published /2023-07-18 Paperback / 290 Pages
NOXOBNIA: Feminine Deities of the Left Hand Path
Kerval, Edgar Mason, Asenath Duvendack, Bill Connolly, S. Falorio, Linda Torvol, Asbjorn Donaghue, Timothy
Independently published /2022-02-09 Paperback / 203 Pages
BAAL: The King of Kings (The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers Saga)
Koetting, E.A. Kerval, Edgar Duvendack, Bill Stewart, Orlee Temple, J.D. Kendall, Conner Krabat, Aserial Angelus, Zeraphina Richard, C.H. Donaghue, Timothy
Independently published /2022-03-09 Hardcover / 355 Pages
NOXAZ: Kaos (The Black Serpent Series)
Edgar, Edgar Kerval Mason, Asenath Duvendack, Bill Maggi, Humberto Woodward, Sean Grochocki, Lukasz Williams, Cort Kybel, Arach Zamradiel, Kabultiloa Donaghue, Timothy
Independently published /2018-11-22 Paperback / 173 Pages
isbn-10: 1790186870 / isbn-13: 9781790186877