E. C. Mills books & textbook
Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice Illustrations Through The Years 1892 - 1908: Volume II
Ranel Austen, Jane Cooke, William C. Brock, C.E. Hammond, Chris Mills, Arhur Wallis Hindley, Godfrey C.
Independently published /2022-09-11 Hardcover / 100 Pages
Food Combining for Health: Get Fit with Foods that Don't Fight
Grant, Doris Joice, Jean Mills C.B.E, Sir John
Healing Arts Press /1985-06-01 Paperback / 248 Pages
isbn-10: 0892813482 / isbn-13: 9780892813483
Principles of Meat Science
Elton D Aberle John C Forrest David E Gerrard Edward W Mills
Kendall Hunt Publishing /2012-06-22 Paperback / 395 Pages
isbn-10: 0757599958 / isbn-13: 9780757599958
Mass Communication and American Social Thought: Key Texts, 1919-1968 (Critical Media Studies: Institutions, Politics, and Culture)
Peters, John Durham Simonson, Peter Addams, Jane Adorno, Theodor Allport, Gordon Anderson, Sherwood Bauer, Raymond Bell, Daniel Berelson, Bernard Bernays, Edward Blumer, Herbert Breed, Warren Burgess, Ernest W. Cantril, Hadley Cheever, John Cooley, Charles Horton Denny, Reuel Dewey, John Gallup, George Gerbner, George Glazer, Nathan Herzog, Herta Horkheimer, Max Horton, Donald Hughes, Helen MacGill Huxley, Julian Sorrell Innis, Harold Katz, Elihu Kris, Ernst Lang, Galdys Engel Lang, Kurt Lasswell, Harold Dwight Lazarsfeld, Paul F. Lee, Alfred McLung Lee, Elizabeth Briant Lerner, Daniel Lippman, Walter Locke, Alain Lowenthal, Leo Lynd, Helen M. Lynd, Robert S. Macdonald, Dwight MacDougald, Duncan Marcuse, Herbert McCormack, Thelma McLuhan, Marshall Merton University Professor Emer, Robert K. Meyersohn, Rolf Mills, C Wright Minow, Newton Mumford, Lewis Myrdal, Gunnar Park, Robert E. Powdermaker, Hortense Rae, Saul Rice, Stuart Riesman, David Riley, John W. Rorty, James Sapir, Edward Sarnoff, David Schiller, Herbert Schramm, Wilbur Smythe, Dallas Speier, Hans Sussmann, Leila A. Verba, Sidney Wiener, Norbert Willey, Malcolm Wirth, Louis Wohl, R Richard Wright, Charles
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2004-08-03 Paperback / 552 Pages
isbn-10: 0742528391 / isbn-13: 9780742528390
Persuasion Illustrations Through The Years 1833 - 1909
Ranel Austen, Jane Brock, C.E. Thomson, Hugh Mills, Arthur Wallis Cooke, William C Pickering
Independently published /2022-08-23 Hardcover / 94 Pages
Combating Corruption, Encouraging Ethics: A Practical Guide to Management Ethics
Richter, William L. Burke, Frances American Society for Public Administration Arendt, Hannah Aristotle Ashworth, Kenneth Bailey, Stephen K. Bok, Sissela Boren, David Brooks, Jermyn Bruzelius, N Caiden, Gerald E. Table, CAUX Round Investigation Board, Columbia Accident Comstock, Amy Cooper, Terry Denhardt, Kathryn G. Dobel, J Patrick Donaldson, William H. Duggart, Michael Eimicke, William B. Etzioni professor George Washington University; founder of the Society for the Adv, Amitai Finer, Herman Flyvbjerg, Bent B. Frederickson, George Friedrich, Carl Joachim Gilman, Stuart C. Office, Government Accountability Grant, Ruth W. Harris, Blake Johnson, Roberta Ann Kant, Immanuel Kennedy, John F. Keohane, Robert O. Killilea, Alfred G. Loverd, Richard A. Luo, Yadong Machiavelli, Niccolo Malek, Frederick Meyers, Robert County, Miami-Dade Maron, Fabienne Mill, John Stuart Committee Staff, Minority Congressional Noonan, John T. Economic Co-operation, Organization for Development Pasquerella, Lynn Pfiffner, James Poindexter, John on Integrity, President's Council Efficiency The Executive Council on Integrity Prkic, Christina Raga, Kishore Riordan, William L. Rothengatter, W Schultz Hamline University, David Scully, Maura King Securities Commission, Exchange Starks, Glenn L. Stewart, Debra Svara, James Taylor, John Derek Torode, Christina Internat, Transparency
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2007-01-23 Paperback / 258 Pages
isbn-10: 0742544516 / isbn-13: 9780742544512
Tropical Pathology
Doerr, W. Seifert, G. Ashwort, T.G. Andersen, E.M. Ballard, R.C. Barral-Netto, M. Bittencourt, A.L. Boonpucknavig, V. Diesfeld, H.J. Freinkel, A.L. Goldsmid, J.M. Hale, M.J. Isaacson, C. Isaäcson, M. Itakura, H. Jenkins, T. Kascula, R.O.C. Knox-Macaulay, H.H.M. Londero, A.T. Lucas, S. Marty, A.M. Meyers, W.M. Mills, A. Paterson, A.C. Rose, A.G. Simson, I.W. Sinniah, B. Sinniah, R. Toriyama, K. Walker, A.R.P. Zakii, S.R.
Springer /1996-05-23 Hardcover / 1379 Pages
isbn-10: 3540593918 / isbn-13: 9783540593911
Faces of Environmental Racism: Confronting Issues of Global Justice (Studies in Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy)
Westra University of Windsor, Laura Lawson, Bill Adam, Hussein M. Bell, Elizabeth Bullard, Robert D. Figueroa, Robert Melchior Gaylord, Clarice E. Gbadegesin, Segun A. Goodland, R J. McCurdy, Howard Mills, Charles Shrader-Frechette O'Neill Family Professor Department of Biological Sciences & Department of, Dr. Kristin Wenz, Peter S. Wigley, Daniel C.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2001-06-26 Paperback / 272 Pages
isbn-10: 0742512495 / isbn-13: 9780742512498
The Four Ages of Tsurai: A Documentary History of the Indian Village on Trinidad Bay
Heizer, Robert Fleming Mills, John E Cutter, Donald C
Literary Licensing, LLC /2012-10-27 Paperback / 216 Pages
isbn-10: 1258515040 / isbn-13: 9781258515041
Alabama Governors: A Political History of the State
Webb, Samuel L. Armbrester, Professor Margaret E. Brewer, Albert P. Eskew, Glenn T. Rogers, William Warren Grafton, Carl Feldman, Glenn Harvey, Gordon E. Bailey, Hugh C. Flynt, Wayne Wiggins, Sarah Woolfolk Amos Doss, Harriet E. Rogers Jr, William Warren Jackson III, Harvey H. Atkins, Leah Rawls Thornton III, J. Mills Breedlove, Michael McKiven, Henry Mel Ward, Robert David Stewart, William H. McDaniel, Mary Jane Allen, Lee Bass, Jonathan Permaloff, Anne Rikard, Marlene Hunt Pruitt Jr. Jr. PhD, Dr. Paul M. Carter III, Kit Carson Dupre, Daniel Mayfield, John Fitzgerald, Michael W. Perman, Michael Alsobrook, David E. Harris, D. Alan Rosenburg, Randy B. Barney, William
University Alabama Press /2001-05-21 Hardcover / 312 Pages
isbn-10: 0817310827 / isbn-13: 9780817310820