Douglas R. Sharp books & textbook
No Partiality : The Idolatry of Race and the New Humanity
Intervarsity Pr /2002T Paperback / 317 Pages
isbn-10: 0830826696 / isbn-13: 9780830826698
Christian Scholars Review (Volume XXXIII Number 2, Winter 2004)
David W. Aiken Sandra Fullerton Joireman Thomas S. Kidd Regan Lance Reitsma Douglas R. Sharp Don W. King
Christian Scholars Review /2004T Journal / 126 Pages
Eisenhower Presidency: Lessons for the Twenty-First Century
Polsky, Andrew J. Fanton, Jonathan Sharp, Dan Bose Hofstra University, Meena Collier, Kenneth E. Herspring Kansas State University, Dale R. Kabaservice, Geoffrey Little, Douglas McMahon, Adam Nichols, David A. Polsky, Andrew J. Shanahan, Mark Wang, Zuoyue Weatherford, M. Stephen
Lexington Books /2015-11-30 Paperback / 296 Pages
isbn-10: 149852222X / isbn-13: 9781498522229
Leadership Dash: Breaking Through the Finish LIne
Geneace Williams Douglas R. Sharp
Living Word Comunications /2010T Paperback / 177 Pages
isbn-10: 098296160X / isbn-13: 9780982961605
The Hermeneutics of Election
University Press of America /1990-09-20 Paperback / 260 Pages
isbn-10: 0819179450 / isbn-13: 9780819179456