Demant, V. A. books & textbook
The Challenge of Our Time: A Series of Essays
Percival Marshall /1948T Hardcover
3 Volumes of Social Ethics Booklets - Legal Responsibility & Moral Responsibility; The Idea of A Natural Order; Kerygma,Eschatology& Social Ethics
Facet Books/Fortress Press / Unknown Binding / 136 Pages
The idea of a natural order, with an essay on modern asceticism / by V.A. Demant
Philadelphia : Fortress Press / Unknown Binding
Religion and the Decline of Capitalism
FABER & FABER INC /1947T Hardcover
Christian Sex Ethics - a Popular Introduction to Marriage and Morals from the Christian Viewpoint
Harper & Row, Publishers /1963T Hardcover
The Western Tradition; a Series of Talks Given in the B.B.C. European Programme
Vox Mundi Books /1949T Hardcover
The Religious Prospect
Frederick Muller Ltd. /1939T Hardcover / 253 Pages
Christian Belief Today
Wand, J.W.C.; Matthews, W. R.; Demant, V. A.; Dewar, Lindsay
A. R. Mowbray & Co. Limited /1952T Hardcover