Cogzell, Richard books & textbook
Mrs Peel, We're Needed: The Technicolor world of Emma Peel (The Avengers on film)
Marshall, Rodney Humphries-Brooks, Lauren Johnson, Piers O'Shea, Dan Speirs, James Swift, Sunday Cogzell, Richard Denham, Sam Ferguson, J Z Ginez, Bernard
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform /2014-08-24 Paperback / 378 Pages
isbn-10: 1499123035 / isbn-13: 9781499123036
Bright Horizons: The Monochrome World of Emma Peel (The Avengers on Film)
Marshall, Rodney Marshall, Rodney Marshall, Roger Cogzell, Richard Burch, Darren Ginez, Bernard Chauvet, Denis Denham, Sam Gordon, Margaret J Ferguson, J Z
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform /2014-03-12 Paperback / 366 Pages
isbn-10: 1497302498 / isbn-13: 9781497302495
Anticlockwise: The Psychedelic World of Tara King (The Avengers on Film)
Marshall, Rodney Ferguson, J Z Marshall, Rodney Lee, Matthew Cogzell, Richard Hui, Frank Shailes, Frank Burch, Darren Gordon, Margaret J Denham, Sam
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform /2014-12-16 Paperback / 488 Pages
isbn-10: 1505550904 / isbn-13: 9781505550900
Mrs. Peel, We're Needed
Marshall, Rodney Denham, Sam Ginez, Bernard Cogzell, Richard Johnson, Piers Speirs, James Hui, Frank Gordon, Margaret J Ferguson, JZ Swift, Sunday /2014-12-13 Paperback / 378 Pages
isbn-10: 1326120093 / isbn-13: 9781326120092
Bright Horizons
Marshall, Rodney Denham, Sam Ginez, Bernard Cogzell, Richard Chauvet, Denis Johnson, Piers Speirs, James Hui, Frank Burch, Darren Gordon, Margaret J /2014-12-13 Paperback / 366 Pages
isbn-10: 1326120050 / isbn-13: 9781326120054