Celia Wolf Devine books & textbook
The Heart Transformed: Prayer of Desire
Alba House /2008-12-11 Paperback / 253 Pages
isbn-10: 0818912871 / isbn-13: 9780818912870
Abortion: Three Perspectives (Point/Counterpoint)
Tooley, Michael Wolf-Devine, Celia Devine, Philip E. Jaggar, Alison M.
Oxford University Press /2009-01-13 Paperback / 272 Pages
isbn-10: 0195308956 / isbn-13: 9780195308952
Descartes on Seeing: Epistemology and Visual Perception (Journal on the History of Philosophy)
Wolf-Devine B.A. M.A. Ph.D., Assistant Professor Celia
Southern Illinois University /1993-07-01 Paperback / 136 Pages
isbn-10: 0809318385 / isbn-13: 9780809318384
Liberalism at the Crossroads: An Introduction to Contemporary Liberal Political Theory and Its Critics
Wolfe, Christopher Benestad, J Brian Bradley Professor of Law University of Notre Dame, Gerard V. George Visiting Professor Harvard Law School; McCormick Professor of Jurisprudenc, Robert P. Hall, Terry Hittinger U.S. Air Force Academy, John Nowlin, Jack Wade Pakaluk, Michael Reiser, Joseph R. Wagner, David M. Wolf-Devine, Celia Wolfe, Christopher Wright, R George
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2003-08-04 Paperback / 256 Pages
isbn-10: 0742532712 / isbn-13: 9780742532717
Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers, vol. 22, no. 4 (October 2005) (The Epistemology of Religious Experience): Transparent Veridicality & Phenomenological Imposters
William J. Wainwright Robert Oakes Richard M. Gale Evan Fales John T. Mullen James Montmarquet Celia Wolf-Devine John Lippitt Peter Byrne James Beilby W. Brian Shelton Charles Taliaferro Michael L. Peterson William P. Alston William Hasker
Society of Christian Philosophers /2005T Journal / 128 Pages
Diversity and Community in the Academy by Wolf-Devine Celia (1997-01-01) Paperback
Unknown Binding
New Companion to Prayer: Meeting God where you are
Catholic Truth Society /2011T Paperback / 64 Pages
isbn-10: 1860827527 / isbn-13: 9781860827525
The Family, Civil Society, and the State
Wolfe, Christopher Bandow, Doug Blankenhorn, David Bradley University of Notre Dame, Gerard Carlson president The Howard Cen, Allan Criner, Lawrence Dilulio Jr., John Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth Gallagher, Maggie Galston, William Glendon, Mary Ann Glenn professor emeritus of educational leadership and policy studies Boston Uni, Charles L. Hafen, Bruce Himmelfarb, Gertrude Kristol editor The Weekly Standa, William Lerner, Robert Mattox Jr., William R. Medved, Diane Medved, Michael Mueller Ohio State University, John Nagai, Althea Olasky editor–in–chief World Ne, Marvin Popenoe, David Stone, Lawrence Wagner, David Wolf-Devine, Celia
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /1998-09-03 Paperback / 304 Pages
isbn-10: 0847692256 / isbn-13: 9780847692255
Naming God: Selected Readings Representing Differing Perspectives
Crossroad Publishing /2019-10-01 Paperback / 152 Pages
isbn-10: 0824550404 / isbn-13: 9780824550400
Teaching Philosophy: Theoretical Reflections and Practical Suggestions
Kasachkoff, Tziporah Adler, Jonathan E. Benjamin, Martin Cadello, James P. Cahn, Steven M. Callahan, Joan C. Chern, Jo A. Daniel Texas A&M University, Stephen H. Eflin, Juli Figdor, Carrie Garver, Newton Gracyk, Theodore A. Hinman, Lawrence H. Kelly, Eugene Martens, David Martin, Michael McCumber, John McDermott, John J. Missner, Marshall Moore, Kathleen Dean Moore, Ronald Pojman, Louis P. Weston, Anthony Westphal Fordham University, Merold White, V Alan Wolf-Devine, Celia
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2004-04-19 Hardcover / 302 Pages
isbn-10: 074251448X / isbn-13: 9780742514485