Butler, Adrian P books & textbook
Biosphere Implications Of Deep Disposal Of Nuclear Waste: The Upwards Migration Of Radionuclides In Vegetated Soils
Wheater, Howard S Bell, J Nigel B Butler, Adrian P Jackson, B M Ciciani, Ciciani Ashworth, Daniel Shaw, Graeme
Icp /2007-07-26 Paperback / 418 Pages
The Journal of Geology, Vol. 91, No. 6, November 1983
Mukul R. Bhatia Mirima Kastner and Raymond Siever Adrian P. Jones and Joseph V. Smith Wrren D. Huff John M. Hurst and Finn Surlyk Stuart A. Hall and John C. Butler Lon D. drake Paul E. Holm Robert H. Brigham
The University of Chicago Press / Single Issue Magazine