book price comparison

Brill, George Reiter books & textbook

A Child's Garden of Verses, Illustrated

Robert Louis Stevenson  George Reiter Brill  

Barse & Hopkins, New York /1909T Hardcover / 89 Pages


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A Child's Garden of Verses.

Robert Louis Stevenson  George Reiter-Brill  

Longmans, Green /1916T Hardcover / 96 Pages


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Teddy Bear and Bandit Bunny Alphabet: Two alphabet books in one, edition 1901-1907, restoration 2023

Restore, Comic Books  Snyder, Charles M.  Johnson, Laura Rinkle  Series, Alphabet  Brill, George Reiter  Sanford, Margaret Landers  

Independently published /2023-02-18 Paperback / 30 Pages


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Rhymes of the golden age: Text and pictures

Brill, George Reiter  

University of Michigan Library /1908-01-01 Paperback / 156 Pages


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