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Abu Rayhan Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Al Biruni books & textbook

Kitab Al-Jamahir Fi Marifat Al-Jawahir (The Book Most Comprehensive in Knowledge on Precious Stones, Al-Beruni's Book on Mineralogy) (کتاب الجماهر فی معرفة الجواهر) - 2001 Edition

Abu Rayhan Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Al-Biruni  Hakim Mohammed Said  

Pakistan Historical Society /1965T Hardcover / 400 Pages


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Al-Biruni on Transits: A Study of an Arabic Treatise entitled Tamhid al-mustaqarr li tahqiq ma'na al-mamarr [Romanized Form] [Sources and Studies in the History of the Exact Sciences 1. American University of Beirut, Publication of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Oriental Series No. 32]

Abu al-Rayhan, Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni; trans. by Mohammad Saffouri & Adnan Ifram. With a commentary by E. S. Kennedy  

American University of Beirut, Beirut /1959T Hardcover


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