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ISBN 9781683931645 books & textbook

Shakespeare in the Light: Essays in Honor of Ralph Alan Cohen (Shakespeare and the Stage)

Menzer, Paul  Cohen, Amy R.  Cohen, Amy R.  Armstrong, Alan  Cole, Mary Hill  Davies, Matthew  Dooley, Patrick  Gurr, Andrew  Hobson, Marlena  Karim-Cooper, Farah  Harrell, John  Keegan, James  Lopez, Jeremy  McDonald, Russ  Menzer, Paul  Southall, Sally Parrish  Spottiswoode, Patrick  Stern, Tiffany  Tribble, Evelyn  Warren, Jim  Williams, George Walton  

Fairleigh Dickinson University Press /2019-07-23 Hardcover / 174 Pages
isbn-10: 1683931645 / isbn-13: 9781683931645

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