ISBN 9780859915151 books & textbook
Alfred the Wise: Studies in Honour of Janet Bately on the occasion of her 65th birthday
Roberts, Jane Nelson, Janet L Godden, Malcolm Smyth, Alfred P Frantzen, Allen J. Breeze, Andrew Hamer, Andrew Knock, Ann Raw, Barbara C Mitchell, Bruce Hart, C R Scragg, Professor Donald Stanley, Eric Gerald Cross, Dr. J.E. Roberts, Jane Nelson, Janet L Hill, Joyce Grundy, Lynne Godden, Malcolm Wormald, Patrick Szarmach, Professor Paul E Frank, Roberta Keynes, Simon D Goffart, Walter
D.S.Brewer /1997-05-22 Hardcover / 299 Pages
isbn-10: 0859915158 / isbn-13: 9780859915151