ISBN 9780739172216 books & textbook
The Haitian Creole Language: History, Structure, Use, and Education (Caribbean Studies)
Spears, Arthur K. Berotte Joseph, Carole M. Prou, Marc Barrows, Elizabeth Dejean, Yves Faraclas University of Puerto Rico, Nicholas Fort, Hugues St. Fouron, Georges Locher, Uli Madhere, Serge Nzengou-Tayo, Marie-José Piñeir, Mayra Cortes Trouillot-Lévy, Jocelyne Valdman, Albert Zéphir, Flore
Lexington Books /2012-09-24 Paperback / 320 Pages
isbn-10: 0739172212 / isbn-13: 9780739172216